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Customer Care Policy

Below is our customer care policy.


We value our clients and enjoy developing excellent relationships and successful working partnerships with all those who use our services. We aim always to meet clients’ needs with efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and courtesy.

We aim to meet clients’ needs by:

(i)  treating all our clients fairly, with respect and sensitivity and demonstrating our commitment to our Equal Opportunities Policy
(ii)  recognising and respecting the particular and specific needs of all clients and building users
(iii)  maintaining and developing effective links with all areas of the company and external organisations.


We aim to offer a quality service by:

(i)  dealing with requests and enquiries accurately, promptly and efficiently, publishing our timescales where appropriate and relevant
(ii)  respecting confidentiality by holding information relating to companies and projects securely and not releasing it to unauthorised persons or organisations
(iii)  making every effort to find the answer to a query or, where necessary, referring clients to the relevant person or department
(iv)  offering an explanation if clients’ requests cannot be met
(v)  ensuring that staff are able to develop their expertise and skills,
(vi)  establishing standards of accuracy and efficiency and regularly monitoring our performance
(vii)  welcoming client feedback on our services and suggestions for improvement and development.


We expect our clients to:

(i)  make available the information, documentation and any other requirements necessary for us to assist them
(ii)  treat us with courtesy, using appropriate language and behaviour which cannot be construed as racist, sexist or abusive.



Need to know more?  Please call and we’ll be happy to help.

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